Our God

Our God ‘Our God’ is an English translation of ‘Hamara Khuda’. It is an excellent Book written by Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad (ra), which highlights outstanding and supreme points, concerning the belief in God. It also proclaims comprehensive explanations of how reason,...

Hazrat Umme Ummaarah (ra)

Hazrat Umme Ummaarah (ra) was a female companion of the Holy Prophet (sa) who was renowned for her un-paralleled bravery in protecting the Holy Prophet (sa) and the name of Islam. Hazrat Umme Ummaarah (ra) was born in Medina, about 40 years before Hijrah (the...

The Holy Prophet’s (SA) Kindness to Children

“And we have sent thee not but as a mercy for all peoples” (The Holy Quran 21:108) The Holy Prophet (sa) was sent by Allah the Almighty as a mercy to all mankind. Children were no exception. He taught parents to respect their children and to pray for them. “Respect...

Examples of Financial sacrifice by young Ahmadis

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) often mentions the financial sacrifice made by young Ahmadis towards the blessed schemes of Tehrike Jadid and Waqfe Jadid. We have set out below extracts of some of Huzur (aba)’s sermons where these sacrifices are mentioned. 6th...

Ruby’s Kindness

It was another miserable and sad day. Ash woke up once again dreading to go to school, she hated being judged and stared at for her disability. After finally sulking, she decided to get ready. Walking to school was always the worst, all the snickering and backbiting...

The Girl Who Was Lazy In her Prayers

Once, there was a girl named Maariya who didn’t like to say her prayers. All she wanted to do was play on her iPad. “Maariya wake up for your prayers, I won’t say it again,” demanded her mum. “Noooo, I hardly had any sleep last night,” she moaned. “Maariya, did you...