Beloved Huzoor (aba) also instructed all Jamaat members to follow the government’s instructions and maintain social distancing. Beloved Huzoor (aba) advised in his Friday sermon delivered on the 3rd April 2020 that “all safety precautions should be taken, beloved Huzoor (aba) advice was also to offer Tahajjud prayer, seek repentance and reform and reconcile with Allah the Exalted”. He also advises us to use josh sticks to clean the air, use antiseptic spray and follow the national guidelines.

The National Guidelines Are:

STAY AT HOME/ PROTECT THE NHS/ SAVE LIFES. We should stay at home and only leave our home for essential needs like groceries, pharmacy or one walk/exercise a day. This is the government’s instruction which we need to follow. By following this advice, I can help myself in lockdown. And the most important thing to wash our hands for 20 seconds.

By: Wania Waqas