1st: Durre Sameen Sohail

Paradise lies under the feet of a mother,

Said our Beloved Prophet (pbuh), like no other,

My mother is ever so beautiful,

Because of her always being dutiful.

My mother is protective; between us siblings – never selective,

She has enough love for all of us, even if we make the biggest of fuss,

Funny is something she is known for, which makes our home cheerful,

I cannot help but notice her stunning smile, which makes up her stunning style,

During this difficult phase of life, it is great to have her as a friend who is more than understanding, yet subconsciously guiding,

Her presence is ever so gentle, creating an invisible mantle,

Her manner is very graceful, and I must add her food is very tasteful,

All these qualities make her worthy of this hadith,

May Allah bless her for making me firm in my belief.