Hazrat Yusuf (as) was one of the noble Prophets of God. In the Holy Bible he is known as Joseph and in the Holy Qur’an there is an entire Surah dedicated to his life story. The story of Hazrat Yusuf (as) goes into detail like no other Prophet mentioned in the Holy Qur’an. Hazrat Yusuf (as)’s life bears a close resemblance to the life of the Holy Prophet (saw) and in his story there were many signs and prophecies which were later to be fulfilled in the life of the Holy Prophet (saw).


Background of his Family

Joseph was the eleventh son of Prophet Jacob, otherwise known as Israel. He was the elder of the two sons of Rachel. The names of the eleven brothers of Joseph as given in the Bible are as follows: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun, Benjamin, Dan and Naphalti, Gad and Asher.

Joseph possessed the unique characteristic among all Prophets of God that not only was he himself a Prophet of God but his father, Jacob, his grandfather Isaac, and great grandfather Abraham were all God’s chosen Messengers.

 Once some of the companions of the Holy Prophet (saw) asked him as to who was the noblest of men. The Holy Prophet (saw) replied: “Truly the noblest of men is the Prophet Joseph who was the son, grandson, and great-grandson, or a Prophet of God (Bukhari, Kitab Bad’ul’Khalq)

The First Revelation

 In the Holy Qur’an, the story of Hazrat Yusuf (as) starts with him as a child narrating a dream to his father:

“Remember the time when Joseph said to his father, ‘O my father, I saw in a dream eleven stars and the sun and the moon, I saw them making obeisance to me.’ (12:5)

 This dream is very important because the whole of Hazrat Yusuf (as)’s life revolves around this dream. The eleven stars – who were the brothers of Joseph were to make obeisance to him, meaning they would become loyal and obedient to him. This dream foretold of Hazrat Yusuf’s greatness and truly came to be as the parents and brothers of Joseph came to live in the land where Joseph held power as a Minister of State.


 Point of Resemblance #1: The Holy Prophet’s (saw) first revelation in the cave of Hira also predicted that he was to become the most honoured man of the human race.

 Point of Resemblance #2: Joseph related his vision to his father and the Holy Prophet (saw) at the instance of his wife Khadija related his first revelation to Waraqah bin Naufal, who was one of the elders of the family. (Bukhari)

After hearing his son’s dream, Jacob forbade him to tell his dream to his brothers because they would become envious and would be tempted to plot against him.

“He said, O my darling son, relate not thy dream to thy brothers, lest they contrive a plot against thee; for Satan is to man an open enemy.” (12:6).

Point of Resemblance #3: Just as Jacob upon hearing Joseph’s dream told him that when his brothers heard of it they would plot against him and seek to do him harm; similarly when Waraqah bin Naufal heard of the first revelation of the Holy Prophet (saw), he told him that a time would come when his people would plot against him and turn him out of their town.

 Allah says in the Holy Qur’an that He will deal with Joseph according to his dream, and Joseph will attain the greatness promised to him in his vison. Allah will also ‘teach thee the interpretation of things’ meaning that God would teach Joseph how to interpret dreams.

 Joseph received the promise from God, that he will be bestowed Prophethood and through him he would bestow distinction on Jacob’s family also. God would make them believe in Joseph and thus they would share with him the favours and blessings of God.


Point of Resemblance #4: Just as Jacob believed in the truth of Joseph’s dream, similarly when Waraqa bin Naufal heard of the first revelation of the Holy Prophet (saw) he accepted it as the true word of God.



Enmity of Josephs Brothers

Joseph’s brothers were annoyed that instead of them, who, as they thought were superior to him in every respect, he had won the affection of their father and had become the centre of his attention.

Point of Resemblance #5: Similarly, when the Holy Prophet (saw) made his claims about prophethood, the Meccans believed that he was too small a person to be given the such a high rank of a Prophet and that the Qur’an ought to have been revealed to one of the great men of Mecca or Ta’if (43:32)

‘Kill Joseph or cast him out to some distant land, so that your father’s favour may become exclusively yours and you can thereafter become a righteous people.’ (12:10)

According to the Qur’an, Joseph’s brothers first secretly made a plan to kill Joseph, and they went to their father asking him to send him with them. One of the brothers of Joseph opposed the idea to kill him and suggested instead that he should be dropped into a deep well where some travellers might pick him up. The brothers of Joseph were from a well respectable family. They were not habitual criminals and in their heart of hearts disliked the foul deed, though they were temporarily blinded by hatred and jealousy.

One of them said, ‘Kill not Joseph, but if you must do something, cast him into the bottom of a deep well; some of the travellers will pick him up.’ (12:11)

Point of Resemblance #6: Similarly, the Quraish of Mecca also conspired to put the Holy Prophet to death (8:31).

Point of Resemblance # 7: Some plotters objected to kill the Holy Prophet (saw) and instead made a compact to boycott and starve the Holy Prophet (saw) and his followers to death which was then later broken by citizens who opposed it.

The brothers of Joseph asked their father to send Joseph with them so that he may enjoy himself and play while they watched over him. Joseph was 11 or 12 years old at the time of this incident – a young boy who would need to be looked after. Jacob feared that the brothers would be irresponsible and Joseph would be devoured by a wolf while they were not paying attention to him.  But Jacob was already informed by God in a general way of the plot of Joseph’s brothers to kill him.

So, when they took him away, and agreed to put him into the bottom of a deep well, they had their malicious design carried out; and We sent a revelation to him, saying, ‘Thou shalt surely one day tell them of this affair of theirs and they shall not know.’(12:16)

Joseph was informed by Allah through revelation that there would come a time when God would bestow upon him power and glory and he would then inform his brothers of the bad treatment they had given him.

Point of Resemblance #8: Similarly, the Holy Prophet (saw) was informed by revelation that though his enemies would compel him to flee from Mecca, he would return home victorious (28:26).

And they came to their father in the evening, weeping.

They said, ‘O our father, we sent forth racing with one another, and left Joseph with our things, and the wolf devoured him, but thou wilt not believe us even if we speak the truth.’(12:17,18)

Josephs brothers nervously came to their father and told him that Joseph had been eaten by a wolf and placed a false blood-stained shirt as proof of their lie. Jacob knew that they had made up this story. In his heart of hearts Jacob thought Joseph to be alive but at the time he resigned to the inevitable.

Point of Resemblance #9: Just as Josephs brothers falsely claimed he had been slain, the disbelievers falsely declared the Holy Prophet (saw) to be slain first in the battle of Uhud and then again at Mecca.

And there came a caravan of travellers and they sent their waterdrawer. And he let down his bucket into the well. ‘Oh, good news!’ said he, ‘Here is a youth!’ And they concealed him as a piece of merchandise, and Allah knew full well what they did. (12:20)

Joseph’s brothers cast him into a deep well in the wilderness, but Allah always takes care of His chosen servants. Allah so arranged that immediately afterwards a caravan arrived and a man was sent to fetch water from a well and he happened to go to the very well in which Joseph was. They looked at Joseph as a treasure and saw in him a youth of promise.

When a member of the caravan took Joseph out of the well, his brethren became aware of it and declared Joseph to be their slave, and sold him to that very caravan for a small price. Their purpose of selling Joseph was not to get money, but they feared that if the caravan thought him to be a free man instead of a slave, they would return him home.


The Potiphar’s House

The Egyptian who bought Joseph was known as Potiphar (Gen 39:1). He was captain of the royal guard – an officer of high rank in ancient times. He was struck by the noble appearance of Joseph and asked his wife to treat him with such honour and affection as are not ordinarily shown to a slave or servant. He expressed the hope that they might one day benefit by his ability or, if he proved to be worthy, might adopt him as their son.

And when he attained his age of full strength, We granted him judgment and knowledge. And thus do We reward the doers of good. (12:23)

And she, in whose house he was, sought to seduce him against his will. And she bolted the doors, and said, ‘Now come.’ He said, ‘I seek refuge with Allah. He is my  Lord. He has made my stay with you honourable. Verily, the wrongdoers never prosper.’ (12:24)

The Potiphar’s wife planned to seduce Joseph but failed in her efforts and Joseph successfully resisted her temptation. For the sake of God, his True Lord and Master he followed the right path and refused to be seduced into sin. He not only abstained from the sin but he also warned the Potiphar’s wife against its evil consequences saying “the evil doers never prosper.”

Joseph had been shown manifest signs before. He had seen the wonderful dream that foretold of his future greatness, and the revelation he had received when cast into the well which also pointed to his later eminence and glory. Surely a person who was being prepared for the exalted office of a Prophet could not degrade himself before an idolatrous woman. A person who had witnessed such signs could not stoop to such evil.

Point of Resemblance #10: Just an attempt was made to lead Joseph away from piety and decency, similarly the idolaters of Mecca made an unsuccessful attempt to make the Holy Prophet (sa)  give up preaching the Unity of God by offering to make him their King, give him wealth, or offer in marriage the most beautiful girl in Arabia. The offer of course was rejected by the Holy Prophet (saw) with the historic words, “If you place the sun on my right hand and the moon on my left hand, I will never give up preaching the Oneness of God.”

When Joseph saw that his master’s wife was not listening to his warnings to stop her evil deeds, he thought he should no longer stay in the room, so he hurried to leave her presence. To prevent him from leaving the room, she ran to the door to reach it in time before Joseph succeeded in getting out. During the race to the door she pulled at Josephs shirt and tore it at the back. The Potiphar was at the door when this happened and his wife said:  What shall be the punishment of one who intended evil to thy wife, save imprisonment or a grievous chastisement?’

He said, ‘She it was who sought to seduce me against my will.’ And a witness of her household bore witness saying, ‘If his shirt is torn from the front, then she has spoken the truth and he is of the liars. (12:27)

‘But if his shirt is torn from behind, then she has lied and he is of the truthful.’ (12:28)

The Potiphar’s wife started to falsely accuse Joseph of being the guilty of sin, but a witness from her household pointed out that Joseph’s shirt was torn from behind, which means that Joseph was truthful and the woman was to blame. Joseph’s master believed him to be innocent of the terrible charge brought against him by his wife. And said:

‘O Joseph, turn away from this and thou, O woman, ask forgiveness for thy sin. Certainly, thou art of the guilty.’(12:30)

The incident with the Potiphar’s wife became public and the local women began to gossip.

The Potiphar’s wife heard what the women of the city were saying about her infatuation with Joseph. So, in order to remove their suspicions, she invited them to a feast. When all the guests were assembled, she asked Joseph to come out and serve them. As soon as they glanced at his face and saw his innocent, angelic expression, they became convinced of his purity, and all their suspicions as far as Joseph was concerned were gone. 

They were so struck by his appearance that in a state of forgetfulness some of them happened to cut their hands with the knives they had. Having made the women admit that their suspicions were baseless and that the sinful act had not yet been committed, Potiphar’s wife made an open confession before her guests who were her friends that she had failed in her efforts to tempt Joseph into sin. Strange are the ways of God. The very way by which this woman sought to bring disgrace upon Joseph proved to be the means of his future greatness.

She said, ‘And this is he about whom you blamed me. I did seek to seduce him against his will, but he preserved himself from sin. And now if he do not what I bid him, he shall certainly be imprisoned and become one of the humbled.’ (12:33)

He said, ‘O my Lord, I would prefer prison to that to which they invite me; and unless Thou turn away their guile from me I shall incline towards them and be of the ignorant.’ (12:34)

So his Lord heard his prayer, and turned away their guile from him. Verily, He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. (12:35)

God brought about these circumstances so that Joseph should no longer live in the evil company of his masters wicked wife and her evil companions.



The ill-fame of Potiphar’s wife spread in wider circles. Her people thought that the best way to put a stop to this scandal was to imprison Joseph so that public might come to regard him as the offender and the blame might be shifted from that guilty woman to this innocent man.

Then it occurred to them (the men) after they had seen the signs of his innocence that, to preserve their good name, they should imprison him for a time. (12:36)

There were two young men in prison with Joseph. They are known in the Bible as the butler and the baker (Genesis Ch 40). In prison, Joseph was held in very high regard for his piety, and due to this the young men asked him to interpret their dreams.

And with him there entered the prison two young men. One of them said, ‘I saw myself in a dream pressing wine.’ And the other said, ‘I saw myself in a dream carrying upon my head bread of which the birds are eating. Inform us of the interpretation thereof; for we see thee to be of the righteous.’ (12:37)

Joseph used this as an opportunity to preach to the people. He was very considerate in preaching the truth and assured them that he would not keep them long and finish his talk with them before their meal-time. He taught them that Prophethood is beneficial for the entire people to whom he is sent, for all men profit by it according to their respective capacities.

 In this world we see that there is power in numbers, but that is not so with God. Though He is One and Alone, He overpowers all and dominates over all. Things which claim to be from God must be accompanied by some evidence of Divine authority and power. The religion which claims to come from Heaven must have heavenly evidence to support its claim.

 Only that religion can be said to be a true religion which satisfies both the physical and spiritual needs of man. Only that religion can be said to be the right religion which saves men from shirk or setting up equals to God. How can people look to worship the things God has created rather than worship God Himself? He then explained to them the meaning of their dreams:

‘O my two companions of the prison, as for one of you, he will pour out wine, for his lord to drink; and as for the other, he will be crucified so that the birds will eat from off his head. The matter about which you inquired has been decreed.’ (12:42)

And of the two, he said to him whom he thought to be the one who would escape: ‘Mention me to thy lord.’ But Satan caused him to forget mentioning it to his lord, so he remained in prison for some years. (12:43)

When this prisoner busied himself with the satanic work of preparing and offering wine to his master, the purifying influence of Joseph’s holy company was gone and he forgot to speak of him to the King.

And the King said, ‘I see in a dream seven fat kine which seven lean ones eat up, and seven green ears of corn and seven others withered. O ye chiefs, explain to me the meaning of my dream if you can interpret a dream.’ (12:44)

The King had seen a dream which made him anxious. He was convinced that the dream was true and he asked asked the learned men of his court to interpret it. The man who escaped the prison Joseph was in, asked permission of the court to go to Joseph. Because of his past experience this man was sure that Joseph would be able to interpret the vision correctly.

He replied, ‘You shall sow for seven years, working hard and continuously, and leave what you reap in its ear, except a little which you shall eat. (12:48)

Joseph interpreted the dream and advised the people to lay up corn for the years of famine and suggested to them the way in which they could safely do so. By leaving corn in the ear for that was the safest way of preserving it. The seven years of famine would be so severe that all that the people had stored up during the first seven years of plenty would be eaten up except very little which might be saved, for fear lest the famine become prolonged or for the purpose of seed.

Point of Resemblance #11 – at the time of the Holy Prophet (sa) there was also a terrible famine in Arabia which lasted seven long years. It was so severe that some people were forced to eat carrion. The Holy Prophet was requested to pray to God for the removal of famine. He prayed to God and the famine left the land after the people had been reduced to the most pitiful plight (Bukhari and Muslim).

‘Then there shall come after that a year in which people shall be relieved and in which they shall give presents to each other.’(12:50)

After seven years of famine, rains would fall and bring relief to the famine-stricken people of Egypt. When the King saw that the wise men of his court failed to interpret his dream and that Joseph had not only interpreted it rightly but had also suggested a remedy, he realized that Joseph was no ordinary man and desired to release him from the prison. But Joseph refused to be released until a full inquiry was made into his case and he was proved to be innocent of the charge laid against him. The King called on the women who gossiped and they confessed the truth and bore witness to the innocence of Joseph. The Potiphar’s wife also confessed that she was the guilty party. The King had become so convinced of the righteousness of Joseph that on hearing the accusation against him he at once believed it to be false.

Joseph said, ‘I asked for that enquiry to be made so that he (the ‘Aziz) might know that I was not unfaithful to him in his absence and that Allah suffers not the device of the unfaithful to succeed. (12:53)

As Joseph was a Prophet of God, the plotters against him could not succeed and hence God caused their plot to be exposed and defeated. Joseph declared that he had caused this inquiry to be made, not to make a show of his own purity but to prove that nobody can lead astray the man whom God Himself protects from evil. Man, by nature falls into evil and it is God’s connection alone which can lead him to the right path.

And the King said, ‘Bring him to me that I may take him specially for myself.’ And when he had spoken to him, he said, ‘Thou art this day a man of established position and trust with us.’ (12:55)

High Position

The King bestowed Joseph the honour he had deserved by admitting him to his special favour. It is likely that the King offered Joseph the post of Prime Minister but Joseph preferred to take charge over the financial department. This way he would be free from the material cares and court conspiracies and could focus his attention on running the department which concerned the King’s dream.

And thus did We establish Joseph in the land. He dwelt therein wherever he pleased. We bestow Our mercy on whomsoever We please, and We suffer not the reward of the righteous to perish. (12:57)

Famine was in the country and Joseph was at the height of his power. Joseph had risen to such eminence that his brothers could not recognize him because they could not imagine that the boy they had cast into the well and who was sold as a slave could rise to such a high position.

Point of Resemblance #12: Much in the same way the Meccans marvelled at the power and prestige the Holy Prophet (saw) had gained.

And when he had provided them with their provision, he said, ‘Bring me your brother on your father’s side. Do you not see that I give you full measure of corn and that I am the best of hosts? (12:60)

Joseph’s brothers arrived in Egypt to obtain their ration of corn during the time of famine. Joseph showed kindness to them and asked them to bring their brother Benjamin to him.

And he said to his servants, ‘Put their money also into their saddlebags that they may recognize it when they return to their family; haply they may come back.’ (12:63)

Joseph showed great patience and self-control and did not display any such emotion as must have risen in his compassionate heart upon seeing his brothers. He asked his servants to put their money in their saddlebags so they might appreciate the favour that was shown to them and be made to return.

Joseph’s brothers returned to their father and told him to send their brother Benjamin with them otherwise they will not receive further ration of corn. In their spirit there was still a boastfulness when they addressed their father.

He said, ‘I cannot trust you with him, save as I trusted you with his brother before. But Allah is the best Protector, and He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy.’ (12:65)

Jacob told his sons that despite their tragic experience with Joseph it is a pity that even now they should not rely on the protection of God but on their own power. He further hints that he did not entrust Joseph to their care before nor would he entrust the care of Benjamin to them. His trust now as before, lay in God alone.

Jacob then made his sons give him a solemn promise in the name of Allah that they will return their brother to him. And when they made the promise he said “Allah watches over what we say.”

Jacob knew from Divine revelation that Joseph was alive so he asked his sons to enter separately so that Joseph might have an opportunity to meet and talk to Benjamin in private.

When they visited Joseph, Joseph brought his brother with himself and said “so grieve not at what they have been doing” – he assured Benjamin that he was his brother who was presumed dead, and he would protect him from their mischief.

And when he had provided them with their provision, he put the drinking-cup in his brother’s saddlebag. Then a crier cried, ‘O ye men of the caravan, you have been guilty of theft.’ (12:71)

Joseph had drunk water from a cup and happened to place it among Benjamin’s things, not knowing it was there.

Joseph had put a drinking cup into his Benjamin’s sack without his knowledge, thinking that it would be useful for the journey. The royal proclaimer said that the kings measuring cup was missing. The royal measuring cup which seemed to be in Joseph’s hand when he was saying farewell to his brother happened to be placed in Benjamin’s sack by mistake and nobody knew how it found its way there. When the caravan was searched it was found in Benjamin’s luggage along with the drinking cup which Joseph had himself put there. Joseph at once understood how the mistake had occurred but thinking that all of this was God’s plan for keeping Benjamin, he kept silent until the caravan was gone. This is how Benjamin remained behind with Joseph.

The brothers accused Benjamin of theft and disowned him and even refused to acknowledge them as their brother.

They asked Joseph to take one of them as his servant instead of Benjamin. But Joseph said that it would be an act of injustice on his part to detain an innocent person in place of a guilty one.

“Return ye to your father and say, ‘O our father, thy son has stolen and we have stated only what we know and we could not be guardians over the unseen. (12:82)

When Josephs brothers returned to their father they said they made their solemn promise to him quite honestly that they would bring Benjamin back, but they did not expect what had happened.

‘And inquire of the people of the city wherein we were, and of the caravan with which we came, and certainly we are speaking the truth.’” (12:83)

He replied, ‘Nay, but your souls have embellished to you this thing. So now comely patience is good for me. May be Allah will bring them all to me; for He is the All-Knowing, the Wise.’ (12:84)

Joseph’s brothers automatically accused Benjamin of being a thief without thinking that there could have possibly been a misunderstanding. The verse shows that Jacob had been foretold by God that Joseph was living and that the brothers would come back safe. Jacob hints that God had revealed to him the reality of the matter and whatever had happened had happened in fulfilment of a Divine plan for the welfare of the family.

They said, ‘By Allah, thou wilt not cease talking of Joseph until thou art wasted away or thou art of those who perish.’ (12:86)

He replied, ‘I only complain of my sorrow and my grief to Allah, and I know from Allah that which you know not. (12:87)

Jacob poured out his heart to God in whom all holy men seek solace. God had informed Jacob of not only Joseph being alive but also of his being in Egypt.

And, when they came before him (Joseph), they said, ‘O exalted one, poverty has smitten us and our family, and we have brought a paltry sum of money, so give us the full measure, and be charitable to us. Surely, Allah rewards the charitable.’(12:89)

His brothers came before him and began to beg for corn even though their real purpose of returning to Egypt was to find their brothers.

Joseph could not bear to see his brothers in this state degrading themselves by begging for corn and decided to reveal his identity. He disclosed it to them indirectly saying “Do you know what you did to Joseph and his brother when you were ignorant?” At the same time, he was comforting them by saying that they should not worry about their past misdeeds because what they had done was as a result of ignorance as they did not realize the full implication of their deeds. In this difficult occasion, Joseph showed such good manners teaching us that man can move to great moral heights. 

The brothers asked in surprise “Art thou Joseph?” upon which Joseph revealed his identity to them. He then gently told them that one could not overcome difficulties by merely begging and suffering oneself to be degraded, but that the secret of all success lay in piety and patience, in hard work and in trusting in God Who was ever the Protecting Friend of the righteous.

The good nature of Josephs brothers finally revealed itself. They admitted that in spite of all their opposition to Joseph, God had exalted him over them and he deserved it; for it is they who had been the sinners.

He said, ‘No blame shall lie on you this day; may Allah forgive you! And He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy. (12:93)

Joseph had a very noble character. He did not make them beg for forgiveness for what they did, and immediately pardoned them. The large-hearted and generous forgiving of his brothers by Joseph shows the greatest resemblance to the Holy Prophet (saw).


Like Joseph, the Holy Prophet too gained honour and power in flight and banishment. And when after years of exile he entered his native town as a conqueror, at the head of ten thousand companions and Mecca lay prostrate at his feet, he asked his people what treatment they expected from him. The Meccans replied: “The treatment that Joseph accorded to his brethren”. To this the Holy Prophet said “then no reproach should lie on you this day. This noble treatment by the Holy Prophet (saw) in front of his bloodthirsty enemies, is unparalleled in history.


Joseph gave his shirt to his brothers to present to their father so that the sight of it might please him, and so that he might pray for his brothers and forgive them. Even before the caravan reached home, Jacob told his people he hoped to meet Joseph soon even though they thought meeting him was just the wishful thinking of an old man. But Jacob knew it as a fact and a certainty. The members of Jacobs family refused to believe it possible and thought Jacob was just blinded his judgement by his love for Joseph.

And when the bearer of glad tidings came, he laid it before him and he became enlightened. Then he said, ‘Did I not say to you: I know from Allah what you know not? ’(12:97)

When the shirt was presented to Jacob, his knowledge of Joseph being alive based on divine revelation was now converted into factual knowledge. 

One good action leads to another. When Joseph pardoned his brothers, the weight of sin to some extent became lifted from their hearts. They repented of their sins, and asked their father to pray to God to forgive them as well. They realized that man’s anger is nothing compared to God’s wrath.

He said, ‘I will certainly ask forgiveness for you of my Lord. Surely, He is the Most Forgiving, the Merciful.’(12:99)

Jacob said to them that it will take some time for him to fully reconcile with them. But he comforted his sons by drawing their attention to the great mercy and all-comprehensive forgiveness of God.

Joseph had gone out of town to receive his parents. Although his real mother had died, his step-mother was much entitled to his respect and affection as his real mother.

Joseph presented his parents to the King, and they fell prostrate before God, thanking Him for raising Joseph to such an eminent position. Thus, the first revelation Hazrat Yusuf (as) received as a child was fulfilled.



God’s prophets have high moral characters. Joseph’s brothers had left their home for food, but Joseph speaks of their coming to him as a special favour of God to himself.  Again, he mentions being taken out of prison and makes no mention of being rescued from the well lest his brothers feel ashamed.

For righteous servants of God, neither prosperity nor adversity can make them forget their Lord and Creator. Even during his reunion with his parents and brothers after a long time, Joseph felt the flame of Divine love rising in his chest, and ignoring and forgetting all, he turned to his Lord and Master.

The life-story of Hazrat Yusuf (as) in the Holy Qur’an finishes by telling us that it was not just a mere tale. It embodied mighty prophecies relating to the future of the Holy Prophet (saw).

The Holy Prophet (saw) is told that like the brothers of Joseph, people would not believe in him unless they saw him rise to power and glory and themselves suffered humiliation and disgrace.

Assuredly, in their narrative is a lesson for men of understanding. It is not a thing that has been forged, but a fulfilment of that which is before it and a detailed exposition of all things, and a guidance and a mercy to a people who believe. (12:112)

By Naima Arif