
Theme of the month - Salat


The first thing for which a person would be called to
account is the prayer. If he succeeds in his account, he
would be successful and will attain salvation. If that
account is deficient, he will be ruined and will be a loser.
If there is a shortfall in the obligatory prayers, Allah will
make it up from his nawafil (voluntary prayers). Similarly,
all his other deeds will be accounted for.”(Tirmidhi)

The Holy Quran

“And when my servants ask thee about Me, say, ‘I am
near. I answer the prayer of the supplicant when he
prays to Me. So they should hearken to Me and believe
in Me, that they may follow the right way’.”

(Chapter 2, verse 187)

‘Salat is the key to conquering addictions in the modern-day world 

 “Allah has prohibited us from being addicted to anything. However, if one must be addicted to something, then one should be addicted to Allah’s love and service to religion. Offer the five daily prayers attentively – this should be your addiction: to offer salat attentively.”

(Q&A with waqfate nau from Belgium, 19th November 2023)

The Holy Qur'an

“And when my servants ask thee about Me, say, ‘I am near. I answer the prayer of the supplicant when he prays to Me…”
The Holy Quran ch. 2, verse 187


“The first thing for which a person would be called to account is the prayer. If he succeeds in his account, he would be successful and will attain salvation…” (Tirmidhi)

The Promised Messiah (as)

 “The pleasure of salat is superior to every
worldly pleasure”

(Malfuzaat, vol. 3 p592)

Salat FAQs

Find out the answers to FAQs relating to Salat


Sportsmanship is being fair and just in the behaviour towards and treatment of others, especially in a sports contest.