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Weekly Challenges

These challenges are for Nasirat who love to show their determination in accomplishing new goals. The aim is to strengthen their resolve in beating any challenge coming their way which Nasirat continuously has shown that they’re up for it saying, go on throw it my way!



Ramadan Weekly Challenge 1:

Attia tul Hadi Naila

The challenge was both interesting and engaging. It gave us something to do while in lockdown and was quite enjoyable. My favourite dua was the one for parents:

“My Lord, have mercy on them even as they nourished me in my childhood.” 17:25

 because your parents are the people you should respect the most.

Meerab Dawood

My experience of learning these duas is good as I am learning new things and duas in the month of Ramadan. My favorite one is the “Dua for cry and feeling of being overwhelmed”.

“I am overcome, so come Thou to my help!”   54:11

I like this dua because it is short and easy to learn and if you feel overwhelmed then this dua can be recited.

Adan Dawood

I love to learn these duas because I learn new things and it helps me be a better Muslim. My favourite dua is prayer for forgiveness and escaping the wrath of God.

“Our Lord, we do believe; forgive us, therefore, our sins and save us from the punishment of the Fire” 3:17

I love this dua because it is the dua of forgiveness and it is not too hard to learn.

Shafia Sajid

My name is Shafia Sajid and I am 8 years old. I am learning prayers from the 30 days prayer challenge. I learn one prayer every day and I love remembering them because it is getting easier to learn Arabic prayer day by day. I have learnt 12 prayers so far and my favourite prayer is:

“Our Lord, grant us good in this world as well as good in the world to come, and protect us from the torment of the Fire.” 2:202

I love this prayer because it is very good prayer for this world and world to come. 

I inshallah I will learn all the 30 prayers in this challenge. I am enjoying this prayer challenge because my brother is also learning the prayers with me.

Jazakallah for giving us this challenge and opportunity to learn prayers.

Hibba tul Khabir Saira

Learning duas from the 30 days prayer challenge has been good for me as in this current climate. I had been bored and had been wasting some of my time and so I started learning one dua a day. It is was a good way to get closer to Allah and fill up my time. My favourite dua is the dua for cry on being overwhelmed:

“I am overcome, so come Thou to my help!”   54:11

Due to my studies I get stressed but Allah being the best helper when I read this dua, Allah the almighty helps me in my studies. This is also an extremely small but great dua and so it was easy to learn.

Ayesha Ilhaam Bajwa

I learnt 9 prayers. At the beginning I was excited because I had something to do and now after a week, I am really happy because I have learnt all these new prayers that will be very useful for me.

My favourite prayer so far is the prayer for seeking Gods protection, forgiveness and mercy.

“Thou art our Protector; forgive us then and have mercy on us, for Thou art the Best of those who forgive. “ 7:156

One reason this is my favourite prayer is because at this moment in time I find it very useful and I want Allah’s protection. I also like this prayer because as well as asking for our protection we are also asking for Allah’s mercy and forgiveness which it very helpful in case I have made any mistakes, so that Allah can protect and forgive me.


Farhana Aziz

My favourite prayer to learn was the prayer of Prophet Sulaiman (AS) because in the translation it says
“My Lord, grant me the will and power to be grateful for Thy favour which Thou hast bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and to do such good works as would please Thee, and admit me, by Thy mercy, among Thy righteous servants.” 
This tells us to be grateful for everything we have and we should please Allah with whatever we do.

Sabiha Aamir

I like all the prayers as it each holds important significance in daily routines and is a way of seeking help from Allah or protection. However, I particularly  liked the prayer for mercy and forgiveness because its a way to repent , become humble and to admit you’re amongst the  ‘losers’ is a powerful acceptance of your flaws which in my opinion takes a good character to confess their faults. Furthermore many places in the Holy Quran,  Allah has mentioned that the successful people are those who humble themselves in prayers. This prayer is a strong  way to get closer to Allah and ask forgiveness for your wrongdoings.

Zara Amjad

Which prayers I liked and why:
I like the prayer prayer for seeking gods protection, forgiveness and mercy because these are very important elements that we should do as an Ahmadi Muslim.
How it all went and how I memorised:
This was very fun and great and memorised it very quickly and how I did it because I kept on saying each word many times and I started with a few easy ones then go with the hard ones.

Ramadan Weekly Challenge 2:

Mahnoor Yasir

I have completed the challenge of waking up with my mom doing Sheri and praying nafl prayer. I have also keeping full fast this Ramadan.
The experience for me was really was really fun and blessed. Honestly I found it hard at the start but at end it was really easy. Allhamdulillah I have completed my fasts tons of Times. 
This was a wonderful experience of my life and I absolutely loved every single second.

Sophia Kamran Malik

I would like to share my experience of these blessed days of Ramadan.

I wake up at 3am and read Nafl . After that I read Quran.  Also I do Sehri with my family. My mum makes Sehri.

During these current situation I wake up regularly and as well as me, my family do as well. After that read Quran again. My dad leads our 5 times congregational prayers .

Jazeba Ahsan

I am enjoying waking up at sehri time. First I wake up and do wudhu and read my nafal. Next I eat yoghurt and other things available. Also, I joke around with my brother and my little brother wakes up from the noise.
Then we read Fajr and do tilawat after that. Finally my dad, my brother and I go on the Nasirat website to solve riddles and look at recipes.
Then I go to sleep again to have some rest before waking up to start my day.

Maleeha Khalida Malik

I would like to share my experience of these blessed days of Ramadan.

I wake up at 3am and read Nafl . After that I read Quran.  Also I do Sehri with my family. My mum makes Sehri and sometimes I help her.  

Normally I didn’t wake up regularly for Sehri but during these current conditions I wake up regularly and as well as me, my family do as well. After that me and my family read Quran again. My dad leads our 5 times congregational prayers .


My little sister asked my Parents why we wake up really early and they explained to her why we do Sehri and read Nafl. It was her first experience waking up for sehri.

Sabeeka Ahmad

Every day I ask my mum to wake me up in the middle of the night to keep a roza. I wake up, do wudhu, put on a warm onesie (because it’s really cold) and then I pray Tahajud. Ami says I can pray 2 x 2 followed by Vitr.
Then I eat Sehri with my family, 1 paratha and 1 fried egg. Then I pray fajr, my Abu ji is the Imaam Sab, I call him Imaam Sab sometimes for fun. After Fajr I read the Qur’an and then I go back to sleep. When I wake up, I open my Roza at Zohr time, I want to keep a full roza but my mum says I am too young. Ooh!
This is my first time waking up for Sehri and I am really enjoying spending time with my family.